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   Now with over 40 years of piano teaching, I realize

more than ever how essential the study of music is for all children. I often tell parents that I am not just teaching music to their children; I am instructing them in the development of skills which promote concentration on all of life’s tasks. The skills one uses for piano playing tie together the child’s physical, mental and emotional capabilities unlike anything else done in life. Piano study teaches us how be more fully human.


For most of my students, the time we spend together each week is the only time in their lives without distraction, where one-on-one I am able to teach them as individuals possessing unique abilities and needs. Having this kind of priceless opportunity is why I dedicate my life to the education of young people.


Working with collegiate and graduate students completes my circle of teaching at all levels of advancement.  This is what gives me the total picture of musical development and provides me with the understanding of how to guide my students from day one.

What a thrill it is to hear “thank you” from so many of my graduated high school students who return during college years to say:


“You were the only teacher I ever had who taught me how to study and that has made all the difference for me in college.”  -   Dr. Stuart Hui, class of 1993


“You taught me a great lesson by always raising the bar a little higher after every accomplishment; this was a terrific life lesson.”  -  Lindsey Brown, class of 1993


“You are the only teacher who taught me perseverance. Through your teaching I learned to never give up until I achieved what was necessary for the tasks at hand.”  - Lindsey Launer, class of 2003


“Your teaching has changed my mind about the meaning of the word quality.”   -  Thank you to the many who have said this to me over the years!!

From: Donald Allen Lee III during the Chautauqua Summer Piano Institute "Your masterclass was very special because it was different from the classes given by the other performing piano artists I heard.  You, like the others knew when something needed to be fixed or adjusted, but unlike the others, you could tell us the background of why it needed to be changed and exactly how to fix it, plus you showed us the way to see our work through to be a finished product."


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Brian Preston

Concert Pianist/Teacher

Artistic Director--Thousand Islands International Piano Competition


It is my life’s calling to continue passing on the legacies and traditions of the great pianist-teachers with whom I was privileged to work. Thank you for allowing me to share my passion for music and education with you through this website.

© 2013 Brian Preston | All rights reserved.

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